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Registered user
Looking for:dating a man
Country:🇬🇧 United Kingdom
Distance:5990 km
Would you like to meet Darkdoll94?

about Darkdoll94:
I can be quite shy at first but once you get to know me i can quite funny and friendly but must warn you I can be a bit of a goof.ha :)
I like to cosplay and play video games and go cinema with my friends.
I like reading, writing short stories, volunteering at the museum, working with children, listening to music and playing with my two cats.

what Darkdoll94 would like to do on a first date:
Cinema, comic con, bowling, playing video games and Netflix.

Darkdoll94's profession:

Darkdoll94's interests:
Cosplaying, movies, video games, hanging out with friends and my cats..

would you date someone under 4'10" tall?no
body type:average
hair color:red
eyes color:blue
do you still live with your parents?yes
do you own a car?no
marital status:single
do you have children?no
would you date someone who has children?yes
do you want children?yes
your religion:catholic
do you like metal (the musical genre)?I'm a metal head! lml
are you vegan?no
do you drink alcohol?no
do you smoke cigarette?no
do you smoke pot?no
do you take other drugs?no
click here to report a problem with this user

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